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26.12.1996. Чехия - Германия 8:2 (2:1, 2:1, 4:0)
26.12.1996. Швейцария - США 0:4 (0:1, 0:2, 0:1)
27.12.1996. Швейцаря - Чехия 1:1 (0:1, 0:0, 1:0)
27.12.1996. Канада - Германия 4:1 (1:1, 1:0, 2:0)
28.12.1996. США - Канада 4:4 (2:2, 0:1, 2:1)
29.12.1996. Швейцария - Германия 6:2 (4:0, 1:2, 1:0)
29.12.1996. США - Чехия 2:1 (1:0, 0:1, 1:0)
30.12.1996. Швейцария - Канада 1:4 (1:0, 0:2, 0:2)
31.12.1996. США - Германия 8:0 (1:0, 6:0, 1:0)
31.12.1996. Канада - Чехия 3:3 (1:1, 1:1, 1:1)

США 4 3 1 0 18-5 7
Канада 4 2 2 0 15-9 6
Чехия 4 1 2 1 13-8 4
Швейцария 4 1 1 2 8-11 3
Германия 4 0 0 4 5-26 0

26.12.1996. Чехия - Германия 8:2 (2:1, 2:1, 4:0)
1:0 - Чехия. Павлиш Либор (Кратена Ондржей) 2:28
1:1 - Германия. Герике Свен (Лингеманн Борис, Мондт Ники) 12:45 (бол)
2:1 - Чехия. Тенкрат Петр 16:53
2:2 - Германия. Лингеманн Борис (Мондт Ники, Кройтцер Даниэль) 24:55 (бол)
3:2 - Чехия. Бургер Иржи (Зидлицкий Марек, Кратена Ондржей) 26:30 (бол)
4:2 - Чехия. Шпангел Мартин (Горак Михал, Пирош Камил) 39:59
5:2 - Чехия. Матейовский Радек (Меленовский Марек, Зидлицкий Марек) 44:52
6:2 - Чехия. Бургер Иржи (Тенкрат Петр) 51:49
7:2 - Чехия. Прохазка Радек (Павлиш Либор, Кратена Ондржей) 52:33
8:2 - Чехия. Шпангел Мартин (Пиша) 53:05
Штраф: 12-22.

За 1 секунду до конца второго периода сборная Чехии наконец-то увеличила своё преимущество до 2-х шайб и после этого легко довела матч до победыю

26.12.1996. Швейцария - США 0:4 (0:1, 0:2, 0:1)
0:1 - США. Йорк Майк (Расмуссен Эрик, Питерсен Тобиас) 4:23
0:2 - США. Пэрриш Марк (Поти Томас, Янг Джерри) 21:46
0:3 - США. Йорк Майк (Пэрриш Марк) 22:24 (бол)
0:4 - США. Пэрриш Марк (Расмуссен Эрик) 52:28 (бол)
Штраф: 38-16.

Майк Йорк и Марк Пэрриш каждый оформили по дублю и американская команда начала турнир с победы в присутствии 1651 зрителя. Пэрриш закончил поединок с 3 очками (2+1). Автором «шат-аута» стал голкипер сборной США Брайн Буше, 22-й номер драфта НХЛ 1995 года («Филадельфия»).

27.12.1996. Швейцаря - Чехия 1:1 (0:1, 0:0, 1:0)

0:1 - Чехия. Меленовский Марек (Жидлицкий Марек) 3:07
1:1 - Швейцария. Штрейт Мартин (Мюллер Лорен, Винклер Бенджамин) 47:57 (бол.)
Броски: 17 (1+9+7) - 19 (10+5+4).
Вратари -- Чехия, Свобода Адам; Швейцария, Эбишер Давид.
Игра в неравных составах -- Чехия: 1-7; Швейцария: 0-7.
Зрители: 2,050. Штраф: 14-16.

Первое очко на турнире хозяева льда принес гол защитника Марк Штрейта, реализовавшего численное преимущество в третьем периоде.

27.12.1996. Канада - Германия 4:1 (1:1, 1:0, 2:0)
0:1 - Германия. Фендт Торстен (Кройтцер Даниэль) 3:18 (бол.)
1:1 - Канада. Исбистер Брэд (Уитфилд Трентон) 17:23 (бол.)
2:1 - Канада. Мэнн Кэмерон 32:21
3:1 - Канада. Джекмэн Ричард (Дюбэ Кристиан) 43:50
4:1 - Канада. Торнтон Джо (Бриэйр Дэниэль, Мэнн Кэмерон) 51:26 (бол.)
Вратари -- Канада: Марк Денис; Германия: Фишер Кай.
Игра в неравных составах -- Канада: 2-7; Германия: 1-5.
Броски: 34-22. Зрители -- 850.

Не показав ожидаемого от них хоккея, действующие чемпионы мира канадцы все же одержали очередную победу, забросив два голагола из 4-х при численных преимуществах. Немцы забили свою единственную шайбу при большинстве 5 на 3, после того как «кленовые листья» слишком резво начали поединок, стараясь подавить соперника силовой борьбой и, как следствие, нахватав удаления.

28.12.1996. США - Канада 4:4 (2:2, 0:1, 2:1)
0:1 - Канада. Дюбэ Кристиан 1 (Дойг Джэйсон) 1:18
1:1 - США. Пэрриш Марк 3 (Янг Джерри) 1:48
2:1 - США. Фаркас Джеффри 1 (Смит Уайт) 4:43
2:2 - Канада. Дюбэ Кристиан 2 8:52 (бол.)
2:3 - Канада. Бриэйр Дэниэль 1 (Исбистер Брэд) 26:24
3:3 - США. Лакутюр Дэн 1 (Болирайс Джесс) 40:28
4:3 - США. Янг Джерри 1 (Поти Томас) 55:46
4:4 - Канада. Шефер Питер 1 (Мэнн Кэмерон) 56:54
Броски: США 8+8+10--26 Канада 9+10+13--32
Вратари -- США: Буше Брайэн; Канада: Марк Денис.
Игра в неравных составах -- США: 0-2; Канада: 1-5.
Судья -- Хааянен Пека (Финляндия).
Зрители -- 2,769. Штраф; 8-10.

Гол Питера Шефера за 3:06 до финальной сирены спас канадцев от поражения, но их победная серия на молодежных чемпионатах мира в итоге оборвалась на 18 матчах. Кстати при атаке Шефера, финский судья Пека Хааянен в полне мог удалить другого канадца Кори Сорича, просто снёсшего с ног американца Джесси Булериса, открыв дорогу к воротам для своего партнёра.
A goal by Team Canada winger Peter Schaefer that tied the score 4-4 late in the third period yesterday and avoided a painful Canadian setback at the world junior championships was produced off a rather obvious pick play that Finnish referee Pekka Haajanen failed to detect. 
``I was ready to make a step and take (Schaefer) when my feet were taken out from me,'' said U.S. winger Jesse Boulerice, the victim on the play. ``(Schaefer) just went by me. I just lay there desperate and he scored.''
It was Canuck blueliner Corey Sarich who not only engineered the pick on Boulerice but did so in such a noticeable manner that, when the whistle sounded to signal Schaefer's goal, Sarich thought it was actually because he was getting a penalty.
``It was a pretty blatant pick,'' said U.S. head coach Jeff Jackson. ``But you have to expect that in international hockey. Hopefully, we'll score one that way later on.''
Indeed, both countries seemed inclined to happily accept the deadlock, which happened to end a Canadian streak of 18 consecutive wins at the tournament.
Canada wasn't able to protect a 3-2 third-period lead and the Yanks couldn't make B. J. Young's backhander under Canadian goalie Marc Denis with 4:14 to play stand up as the winner.
``We're trying to stress in- your-face hockey and I thought we had it stuck in our faces a lot tonight,'' said Jackson of the rambunctious affair. ``Our kids have to learn how to win that kind of game.''
The Canada / U.S. game featured a wild opening 10 minutes with each club scoring twice and handing out a series of heavy bodychecks. Canada carried the play for much of the opening 40 minutes, but the U.S. seized the initiative in the third as Canada's overworked blue-line foursome of Sarich, Chris Phillips, Jason Doig and Hugh Hamilton began to tire.
The Amerks went into the game having beaten Canada's junior nats only once in 15 previous matches at this tournament. They'd also been beaten four straight by an aggregate score of 25-7 since beating their northern neighbors at the '92 junior gathering.
``This should give us confidence,'' said Jackson. ``I've said before that, in my opinion, the main difference between us and the Canadians is mental toughness and, hopefully, we're going to change that in the next few years.''
Canadian goaltender Denis was beaten on the first two shots he faced - both low wristers to the stick side from the slot area - and didn't look great on the other two U.S. scores.
``No question, he fought the puck a bit tonight,'' said Canadian head coach Mike Babcock. ``But we believe we've got great goaltending. He'll be fine.''
Christian Dube scored twice for Canada, while Quebec league colleague Daniel Briere scored the other.
The confrontation between U.S. defenceman Paul Mara and Canadian forward Joe Thornton, two of the top prospects in next summer's draft, really didn't materialize since both were spotted for much of the game in favor of more experienced players.

29.12.1996. Швейцария - Германия 6:2 (4:0, 1:2, 1:0)

1:0 - Швейцария. Балди Маттиа, 1:56 (бол)
2:0 - Швейцария. Ризен Мишель {Зегер Маттиас) 7:55 (бол)
3:0 - Швейцария. Ризен Мишель (Плюсс Мартин) 13:03
4:0 - Швейцария. Мюллер Лорен (Шохер Марио) 18:41
5:0 - Швейцария. Рицци Сандро (Зегер Маттиас) 30:26 (pp)
5:1 - Германия. Мейер Деннис (Вальц Торстен) 32:26
5:2 - Германия. Мондт Ники (Лингеманн Борис) 36:41
6:2 - Швейцария. Плюсс Мартин (Шнайдер) 49:27
Вратари: Дэвид Эйбишер - Кай Фишер.
Броски: 44 (14+14+16( 0 25 (4+12+9). Штраф: 45-24. 1510 зрителей.

Пара шайб Мишеля Ризена, обе в большинстве, помогли швейцарцам добиться преимущества в 5:0 к 31-й минуте и довести матч до своей первой победы на турнире.

29.12.1996. США - Чехия 2:1 (1:0, 0:1, 1:0)
1:0 - США. Йорк Майк (Расмуссен Эрик, Ризонер Мартин) 17:57
1:1 - Чехия. Кратена Ондржей, 24:46
2:1 - США. Хайт Кристофер (Фаркас Джеффри) 56:01
Вратари: Брайн Буше - Адам Свобода.
Броски: 33-24. Штраф: 10-4. 450 зрителей.

После ничьи в матче с Канадой, сборная США добилась второй победы на турнире (+2=1-0), благодаря голу Кристофера Хайта (32-й номер драфта 1996 года, "Эдмонтон") за 3:59 до финальной сирены.
USA Today: After three games of the World Junior Championships, that image looks very good. The USA is leading Pool A with a 2-0-1 record after tying Canada 4-4 Saturday and beating the Czech Republic 2-1 Sunday. The USA finishes the preliminary round against Germany Tuesday.
``I'm happy to be in the position we're in,'' says U.S. national coach Jeff Jackson. ``We have 10 players returning from last year's tournament with international experience, which speaks a lot.
Defenseman Tom Poti was one of the last selections on this team, and he's been one of the best players on the ice every game. . . .
These kids are hungry, and they want to win.'' Goaltender Brian Boucher, who plays junior hockey for the Tri-City (Wash.) Americans of the Western Hockey League, has stopped 90 of 95 shots.
Sunday, Boucher stopped 23, and defenseman Chris Hajt scored the game-winner at 16:01 of the third period.
``We were a bit tired after playing the Canadian team,'' Boucher says. ``But all the boys were ready, and we knew that the Czech team is a good one. We showed a lot of heart in the last two games.''
On the game-winner, Poti carried the puck into the offensive zone as the forwards changed. He fought off three Czech players in the corner and passed to Hajt at the right point. Hajt snapped a wrist shot past screened goaltender Adam Svoboda.
``It's the biggest goal I've scored,'' saysHajt, of Amherst, N.Y. ``I saw the puck go in, and I just went on my knees.''
In the tournament's 20 years, the USA has medaled twice (bronze in 1986 and '92). It finished fifth last year.
``We haven't done anything yet,'' Jackson says. ``You can go undefeated into the medal round and lose one game and not win a medal. So, it's one step at a time, and we'll worry about Germany now and deal with everything else as it happens.''

30.12.1996. Швейцария - Канада 1:4 (1:0, 0:2, 0:2)

1:0 - Швейцария. Ризен Мишель 3 16:35
1:1 - Канада. Исбистер Брэд 2 (Бриэйр Дэниэль) 21:32
1:2 - Канада. Дюбэ Кристиан 3 (Исбистер Брэд) 31:22 (бол)
1:3 - Канада. Торнтон Джо 2 (Мак-Коли Элайн,Бриэйр Дэниэль) 43:34
1:4 - Канада. Мэнн Кэмерон 2 (Дойг Джэйсон) 55:30
Вратари: Дэвид Эйбишер - Марк Дени.
Броски: 21 (11+5+5) - 35 (9+14+12). Штраф: 12-14. Зрители - 3353..

Перебросав швейцарцев 26-10 в заключительные 40 минут, сборная Канады забросила 4 безответные шайбы и добавилась второй победы на турнире (+2=1-0).
Montreal Gazette: Brad Isbister is emerging as Canada's top power forward at the world junior-hockey championships.
The 6-foot-2, 225-pound left winger from the Portland Winter Hawks had a goal and an assist as Canada downed host Switzerland 4-1 yesterday to clinch a spot in the second round of the 10-team tournament.
``I was hoping I'd score here,'' the Calgary native said. ``When you play with such great players, you should be able to get a couple.''
Isbister tied the game with a goal 1:32 into the second period and then set up a power-play goal from Christian Dube of the New York Rangers at 11:22. Joe Thornton of the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds and Cameron Mann of the Peterborough Petes each got his second goal of the tournament in the third period.
The largest crowd to date - 3,353 - at the sparsely attended tournament turned out at Vernets arena to see Switzerland take the lead on Michel Riesen's third goal of the championships, the only goal in the opening period.
The Canadians gradually wore down the smaller Swiss side, which had tied Canada 3-3 in a pre-tournament exhibition game.
``We've got plenty of respect for them,'' defenceman Jason Doig of the Granby Predateurs said. ``We played them hard.''
The Canadians go into the final day of round-robin play today likely needing to beat a strong Czech Republic side by a wide margin to clinch first place in their group and earn a bye to the semi-finals. The United States, which plays lowly Germany and should win by a wide margin, trails Canada by one goal in goal differential, which would decide first place if both North American teams win today.
Isbister is one of four Phoenix Coyotes draft picks on the Canadian team along with Doig, Daniel Briere of the Drummondville Voltigeurs and Trevor Letowski of the Sarnia Sting. He began the season with Phoenix, but did not get into an NHL game and was returned to junior hockey when the Coyotes signed Jeremy Roenick.
``They're in a new city and have a lot of pressure to win right away,'' Isbister said. ``But their future looks good.
Briere played despite a debilitating intestinal virus that saw him lose seven pounds in the last few days. The speedy centre picked up two assists despite limited ice time.
``All day (Sunday) I was vomiting everything I tried to eat and I felt sick,'' said Briere, 19. ``I woke up this morning with nothing in my body. It was tough in the first period, but I feel better now.''
Marc Denis failed to clear a rebound and Riesen slipped it behind the Chicoutimi Sagueneens goaltender 16:35 into the game.
Isbister took a smart feed from Briere and beat David Aebischer 1:32 into the second period. Dube beat Aebischer with a shot from the right circle on a power-play rush at 11:22 for his team-leading third goal of the tournament.
With Briere used sparingly, Thornton, 17, was given lots of ice time for the first time in the tournament. He responded with a strong game and scored at 3:34 of the final period on another play started by Briere.
Mann was alone in front to score on a low wrist shot at 15:30.
Switzerland was without one of its top defencemen, Benjamin Winkler, who had a flu. Another defenceman, Jan van Arx, separated a shoulder in Switzerland's opening game and is gone for the tournament.
The Swiss, 1-2-1, need the 1-1-1 Czechs to lose by nine goals in order to reach the second round.

31.12.1996. США - Германия 8:0 (1:0, 6:0, 1:0)
1:0 - США. Ризонер Мартин 1 (Йорк Майк) 17:09 (бол)
2:0 - США. Йорк Майк 4 (Расмуссен Эрик) 27:15 (бол)
3:0 - США. Сесса Джэйсон 1 (Корво Джозеф) 35:15 (бол)
4:0 - США. Корво Джозеф 1 (Беллефойл Блэйк) 35:49
5:0 - США. Расмуссен Эрик 1 (Йорк Майк, Смит Уайт) 36:35
6:0 - США. Расмуссен Эрик 2 (Йорк Майк) 37:19
7:0 - США. Пэрриш Марк 4 (Ризонер Мартин, Расмуссен Эрик) 39:45 (бол)
8:0 - США. Янг Джерри 2 (Пэрриш Марк, Ризонер Мартин) 51:12
Вратари: Буше Брайэн (США), Фишер Кай (Германия)
Броски:США: 10 15 11 - 36 ; Германия: 7 6 6-19. Штраф: 8-12.

Разгромив сборную Германии, команда США финишировала первой в подгруппе и сразу забронировала себе место в полуфинале. Четыре результативных очка у американцев набрал нападающий из Университета Миннесоты Эрик Расмуссен (2+2).

31.12.1996. Канада - Чехия 3:3 (1:1, 1:1, 1:1)
1:0 - Канада. Летовски Тревор 1 (Торнтон Джо) 9:42
1:1 - Чехия. Матейовский Радек 2 {Меленовский Марек, Жидлицкий Марек) 10:17
1:2 - Чехия. Меленовский Марек 2 26:33
2:2 - Канада. Джекмэн Ричард 2 (Мэнн Кэмерон) 28:22 в большинстве
3:2 - Канада. Мэнн Кэмерон 3 (Дюбэ Кристиан) 55:38
3:3 - Чехия. Бургер Иржи 3 (Кратена Ондржей) 59:50 в меньшинстве
Вратари: Марк Денис (Канада), Свобода Адам (Чехия)
Броски: Канада: 4+17+8-29. Чехия: 8+7+7-22. Штраф: 16-20

Играя в меньшинстве и заменив вратаря на полевого хоккеиста, сборная Чехии успела сравнять счет за 10 секунд до конца матча после точного броска Юрия Бургера с 10 метров.
Toronto Star: But the way in which the last minute Czech goal was scored - the Czechs were shorthanded with their goaltender pulled, when captain Jiri Burger beat Marc Denis through a crowd from 30 feet - was both disappointing and troubling.
For starters, the inexperience of head coach Mike Babcock at this level showed for the first time, as he himself admitted that he had the wrong players deployed in the dying seconds.
Instead of having veteran checkers Alyn McCauley and Brad Larsen on the ice, knowing that despite being shorthanded the Czechs would pull goalie Adam Svoboda if they could, Babcock sent out an offensive line of Cameron Mann, tiny pivot Daniel Briere and 17-year-old Joe Thornton, the youngest player on the team, to look for an insurance score.
With less than one minute to play, however, it's not clear why the Canadian coach was thinking about anything but protecting their one-goal lead.
``I saw we were on the power play, and our idea was that we could get 30 seconds, and then get the McCauley line out there,'' said Babcock.
That decision backfired when Mann was stripped of the puck at the Czech blue line, allowing the Czechs to move forward into the Canadian zone and replace Svoboda with another attacker.
With the erratic defensive pair of Chris Phillips and Corey Sarich running all over the place, the three Canadian forwards panicked and sagged around the crease.
That left Denis badly screened and Burger unguarded with time at the right hash marks when the puck popped out, and he tied the game.
Mann had given the Canadians a 3-2 lead with 4:22 to play, but the Canadians were not full value for that margin. The focused, dump-and-chase game of the day before against the Swiss disappeared and was replaced by multiple turnovers at the Czech blue line and spotty physical play.
``We didn't play the way we wanted. We played the way they dictated,'' said Babcock. ``We played a very European game, but we've got to play like us, not them.''
Babcock seemed powerless to alter his team's approach. The countless neutral zone turnovers just put more pressure on a defensive corps that has ranged from mediocre to awful in this tournament.
Phillips, in particular, has been okay, at best, and a disappointment to virtually every NHL scout in attendance after being the first over-all pick in last year's draft.
``I don't see Chris Phillips a lot, so I don't have a lot of opinion,'' said Babcock. ``But I see a guy who's trying, and he's pursuing a gold medal. Sometimes things just don't go the way you'd like.''
Several players suggested that hearing the U.S. was beating Germany badly on the loudspeaker - the final was 8-0 for the Americans - caused the team's intensity to sag.
``We knew then that it would be almost impossible to catch (the U.S. for first place), and that didn't help us,'' said Denis.
That, however, doesn't explain the last-minute fumbling.
The U.S. is now in the ideal situation, with two days off and then having to beat either the Czechs or Finns to reach Saturday's final.
Canada and Russia, on the other hand, will meet in a semifinal Friday, unless the Slovaks upset the Canucks today.
Canada's undefeated string at this tournament reached 24 games with the tie.

Первая страничка молодежных чемпионатов мира 1997 года

Подгруппа А 
Канада, Чехия, США, Швейцария, Германия
Подгруппа В - подробнее
Швеция, Россия, Финляндия, Словакия, Польша
За 7-10 места - подробнее
Швейцария, Швеция, Германия, Польша
1/4 финала - подробнее
Канада - Словакия
Финляндия - Чехия
1/2 финала - подробнее
Россия - Канада
США - Чехия
Финалы - подробнее
За 5 место. Финляндия - Словакия
За 3 место. Россия - Чехия
За 1 место. США - Канада
Страничка статистики

Молодежные чемпионаты мира (до 20 лет) 1997 года.
Первая страничка
Группа В
Группа С
Группа D
